So anyway, I've been having a blast today, I've played pretty much every game I have on PC except for Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood and Dead Rising 2, and I've also played some Call of Duty today too, and after I finish with this entry I'll go ahead and play either Guitar hero or Rock band. Don't know which one I'll choose yet.
Also, today I noticed how easily I'm influenced by anime... Been watching Saki since yesterday (a story about a girl who plays Mahjong) and I've been wanting to learn Mahjong ever since I started.. Just like what happened with K-ON! and guitar, Canvas 2 and drawing and Hikaru no Go and go. Too bad I never actually managed to learn any of these skills.. I've owned an guitar for a few years, but I still can't play anything... I used to draw but I don't anymore because I suck at it, and I don't seem to get any better. For Go and Mahjong, I can't find any good place to learn them.. I guess I should start seriously training something, because I'm not good at anything, nothing at all!
I'll leave todays entry for this, I've got pretty much nothing to say today either..
Wonder why I started an blog when I've got nothing to say? Well anyway! Keep coming back (if there even is one person reading this)
Today's top 3
- Ali Project
- Saki (anime)
- My new awesome screen!
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